There are so many activities that we can sign up our kids, for summer time.
Some are: theater, taekwondo, karate, gymanstics, robotics camp, summer camps, day care, etc.,
But if you are looking for something which is free and can be done right from home then I have few ideas for you.
They have online lessons along with the statistics which help us gain speed. Anybody from age 2 to age 90 can learn this.

2. Teach yourself: Parents are the first teachers of a kid. We are the honest best wishers of our kids. All it needs is little more patience and discipline. Think about he parents who do home schooling, I bet it is lot of dedication and discipline that goes in.
Organization skills: We can teach our kids organization skills by asking them to help you organize the closet, pantry, garage and her/his own room.
Teach you best skills: If you are an artist, singer, painter, dancer or a cook then pass on those skills to them.
My own best skill is 'Presentation'. Being a teacher, I learn't over the years what are the best ways to convey the information. I definitely want to pass on this skill to next generation. So, I picked a topic of my daughter's interest and I asked her to talk about it. Then I taught her the hour glass skills of teaching which she implemented right away. There you go, kids are so smart they catch things very fast.
Teach your culture and traditions: Summers are the best times to teach kids about your own culture by sharing those mythological stories or your own childhood experiences of those special days in your life.
I made a family tree with my daughter in one summer. It gave us a chance to let her know about our parent, grandparents, great grandparents and also revisit some nostalgic times. We both still cherish the total outcome of this activity.
3. Free local library workshops: Go to your local library website and you can find tonnes of summer workshops that are absolutely free. There are workshops for babies, toddlers, kids and adults.
In our library, they have computer savvy workshops which help kids learn all the latest software tools to make animations and update their computer skills.
Simply improve reading skills by going to reading sites like:

Library workshops list and description:

Some are: theater, taekwondo, karate, gymanstics, robotics camp, summer camps, day care, etc.,
But if you are looking for something which is free and can be done right from home then I have few ideas for you.
- Free online typing tutorials
- Free local library workshops
- Teach organization skills at home
- Teach about your culture and traditions
- Make a family tree
- Teach your kids your strongest skills
They have online lessons along with the statistics which help us gain speed. Anybody from age 2 to age 90 can learn this.
2. Teach yourself: Parents are the first teachers of a kid. We are the honest best wishers of our kids. All it needs is little more patience and discipline. Think about he parents who do home schooling, I bet it is lot of dedication and discipline that goes in.
Organization skills: We can teach our kids organization skills by asking them to help you organize the closet, pantry, garage and her/his own room.
Teach you best skills: If you are an artist, singer, painter, dancer or a cook then pass on those skills to them.
My own best skill is 'Presentation'. Being a teacher, I learn't over the years what are the best ways to convey the information. I definitely want to pass on this skill to next generation. So, I picked a topic of my daughter's interest and I asked her to talk about it. Then I taught her the hour glass skills of teaching which she implemented right away. There you go, kids are so smart they catch things very fast.
Teach your culture and traditions: Summers are the best times to teach kids about your own culture by sharing those mythological stories or your own childhood experiences of those special days in your life.
I made a family tree with my daughter in one summer. It gave us a chance to let her know about our parent, grandparents, great grandparents and also revisit some nostalgic times. We both still cherish the total outcome of this activity.
3. Free local library workshops: Go to your local library website and you can find tonnes of summer workshops that are absolutely free. There are workshops for babies, toddlers, kids and adults.
In our library, they have computer savvy workshops which help kids learn all the latest software tools to make animations and update their computer skills.
Simply improve reading skills by going to reading sites like:
Library workshops list and description:
Wii Love Gaming
If you love gaming like we love
gaming, come get your game on at the library! Join us for action packed fun
with the Nintendo Wii and more!
School Age & Group 9:15
Join our lively storytellers for an
entertaining 25 minute session with stories, books, and short videos. These
reservation-only sessions are recommended for Kindergarten through 5th grade.
Storybook Fun for Your Little One
These read-aloud programs are
recommended for children ages three to five and last approximately 25 minutes.
Bring your children often to enjoy folk and animal tales, flannel and big book
stories, plus rhymes, songs, and poetry.
Tiny Tales: Rhyme Time for You and
Your Baby
These programs, especially for
infants from birth to 18 months, last approximately 15 minutes. The rhythm and
repetition of nursery rhymes are used to introduce very young children to
literature. Hold your child in your lap and enjoy this special time together.
Any person requiring special accommodations to participate in any class or
program due to a disability may arrange for accommodations by contacting the
location at which the event is held at least seven days prior to the event
Smarty Pants
Join us for fun-filled story
programs with a learning twist that teach, motivate, entertain and educate all
of your Smarty Pants! Recommended for ages 0-5.
Storybook Fun
Thursday, February 23, 2012
These read-aloud programs are
recommended for children ages three to five and last approximately 25 minutes.
Bring your children often to enjoy folk and animal tales, flannel and big book
stories, plus rhymes, songs, and poetry.
Tiny Tales: Rhyme Time for You and
Your Baby
These programs, especially for
infants from birth to 18 months, last approximately 15 minutes. The rhythm and
repetition of nursery rhymes are used to introduce very young children to
literature. Hold your child in your lap and enjoy this special time together.
Any person requiring special accommodations to participate in any class or
program due to a disability may arrange for accommodations by contacting the
location at which the event is held at least seven days prior to the event
Toddler Time
Stories and activities for children
aged 18 to 36 months. The programs last approximately 20 minutes. The use of
picture books, finger plays, songs, poetry and Mother Goose rhymes, and flannel
board stories will encourage the development of verbal and listening skills for
this active age group.
Computer Basics Level 2
Learn how to create, rename, delete,
and organize files and folders on your computer. Recommended Audience: Adult
Internet Level 2
Learn about search engines and
search techniques to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Recommended
Audience: Adult. Recommended Prerequisite: Internet Level 1.
Open Lab: Ask A Tech
Are you stuck on a software-related
project or simply need constructive ideas to get you started? Let us help! A
technology trainer will be available to assist you in this open lab.
PLEASE NOTE: Software questions are handled based on the topics discussed in any of the classes offered at the Library.
Facebook, Twitter and More!
PLEASE NOTE: Software questions are handled based on the topics discussed in any of the classes offered at the Library.
Facebook, Twitter and More!
Learn how to collaborate and share
information on the Internet